Resilience by Design
The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area is aiming to be climate-proof by 2050. The region is also working on an ‘urbanisation strategy’ at the same time. This is exciting, because if we continue to build as we always have, we will not become more climate-proof. The bottleneck? Climate adaptation is usually not yet taken into account in investment decisions. To change this, we are realising the ‘Resilience by Design’ project, with &Flux as the driving force.
Resilience by Design is a project in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area that aims to answer the question: How can we ensure that climate adaptation is a ‘normal’ element in integrated investment decisions now and in the future in area development processes in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area? Two multidisciplinary top teams of international standing have started working on this question. They are investigating what can go wrong when, where and for whom if the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area continues to make decisions in the usual way. They are also creating inspirational spatial designs (design!) for demonstration projects, showing that it is definitely possible to take climate adaptation into account in investment considerations.
On 12 March 2020, a multidisciplinary jury held a meeting in the National Maritime Museum in Amsterdam. Together with the core team, the jury selected the teams that will work on the ‘Resilience by Design’ project. Fortunately, we didn’t know at the time that this would be the last day on which the Maritime Museum was open, the team from New York could still fly back to the United States, and we would all no longer work at the office but from home…
Up to and including July 2020, the team of will focus on the rural area in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and possible solutions. The One Architecture team is focusing on the urban environment. Together, they are investigating whether and where these areas (should) overlap and where a joint approach is needed.
&Flux is the initiator/project leader of this inspiring project, which we are destined to hear much more about!