Greenports climate-neutral

Greenhouse Horticulture climate-neutral by 2040. That is the ambition of Greenports NL, and agreements have been made to this effect in the Climate Agreement and the Horticulture Agreement. The agreements regarding the ‘Area Elaboration’ are of particular importance. The Area Elaboration simply means that agreements must be made in every greenhouse horticulture area about how we will provide sustainable CO2, heat and electricity as a replacement for natural gas in the next 20 years.
About Greenports Climate-neutral
&Flux contributed to the Climate and Horticulture Agreement on this subject and supervised the implementation of the agreements. In many glasshouse horticultural areas, hard work is being done on projects and plans, but there was virtually no mention of a vision of climate neutrality. That is why we have made an inventory of more than 50 municipalities in 2020 to find out what their vision is on sustainable greenhouse horticulture.
By doing this, we are helping government organisations translate those plans into visions and policy. While drawing up the inventory, we found that there is a need for a community in which experiences and knowledge can be shared. We are now setting up that community! In addition, the report on the state of affairs related to climate-neutral greenhouse horticulture by 2040 is in the making.

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Petrus would be happy to update you!
Annebel would be happy to update you!