Development strategy for Haarlem’s heat grid

Several ingredients are required to create a heat grid. For example, the heat itself can be drawn from geothermal energy, biomass and residual heat from data centres. In addition, a supply of cooling and a good network are also required to ensure the optimal performance of a heat grid. Which sources can we best use to heat which neighbourhoods and how do we tackle this? Time for a development strategy!
About this project
Various individual studies and projects in the field of heat have been conducted in the Haarlem region. Can we use geothermal energy? Biomass? Who wants to use the heat later; where can we put it? All these studies have different timelines, different partners, different angles. Time for direction and strategy. &Flux has brought all the parties involved together, created cohesion in the projects and examined whether it is possible to supply residual heat from data centres. The result: a development strategy for sustainable heating in Haarlem.
The development of a coherent heat grid is an enormously complex task. Where do you start installing a heat grid and which parties are going to organise it? How do you connect the various projects, each with its own timeline? How do we ensure a joint investment in a shared interest in a way that satisfies all the partners? With the development strategy under control, the municipality of Haarlem is leading the way. Follow its progress on the website!