Started: Resilience by Design

We’ve started! On 12 March 2020, together with a six-member, multidisciplinary jury, we selected the teams that will be working on the ‘Resilience by Design’ project. We fortunately didn’t know then that this would be the last day on which the Maritime Museum was open, the team from New York could still fly back to the United States, and we would no longer be working at the office but from home…
Together with the teams led by Architecture & Urbanism and One Architecture & Urbanism, over the past months our colleagues Sander and Thea have been working hard to ‘convert’ the start of the project into a web-based project in which we already have the first workshops up and running with ‘Zoom’, ‘Teams’ and other virtual tools. We’ll keep you informed of our progress as everything develops and let you know when the final results materialise. In the meantime, we look back fondly on 12 March and would like to share a very nostalgic impression of the day with you!