• Gepubliceerd: 13 March 2020
  • Door: Thea Timmermans

Developing sustainable innovations with a range of businesses. These are the things we get excited about. And that is exactly what we’re able to work on as the Programme Manager of the Energy and Climate innovation programme of TNO, the Province of South Holland and InnovationQuarter, the South Holland regional development company.

The region has high ambitions in the area of sustainability. And a wonderful regional field lab infrastructure. This is providing opportunities for entrepreneurs to further develop, test and successfully introduce their innovations on the market. In the programme, we are working with the supporting partners and all the field labs on stimulating and realising sustainable innovations. The main tasks include making the built environment more sustainable, developing a ‘Smart Multi Commodity Grid’, promoting export opportunities and decarbonising the Port and Industrial Complex. Plenty of challenges – and that’s exactly what we want!

Interested in this programme?

Talk to Tanja about it!

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