  • Gepubliceerd: 24 March 2020
  • Door: Thea Timmermans

According to the Notre Dame Global Adaptation Initiative, the Netherlands is in the global Top 10 in terms of climate adaptation capacity. Needless to say, we at &Flux are also working hard to further increase and capitalise on that capacity in the Netherlands. We want to make climate-adaptive construction the new normal here!

What is happening elsewhere the world?

But what are other countries doing about climate-adaptive construction? What about the adaptive capacity in a country like Indonesia? How can they still become resilient to climate change with more limited resources? Could they perhaps link adaptive measures to other goals to achieve more, and how can the Sustainable Development Goals help with this?

My name is Jil Hötte and I have been working as a graduate intern at &Flux since February. I will be focusing on these issues in the months to come. If you find this subject as interesting as I do, please let me know.

I have now graduated and am employed by &Flux. I am proud to publish my report. Want to know more and participate? Also take a look at our propositions!

Like to discuss this subject in more detail?

Send a message to Jil!

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