Climate adaptation and water
Some of the effects of climate change entails more extreme precipitation, more and longer heat waves and increasing periods of drought. This is already noticeable today, and scientist are positive that the frequency and intensity of extreme weather and climate events will continue to grow well into the future if no change is made to the status quo. We need to ensure our living environment and water systems evolve with the changing climate and therefore, we need to achieve a future-proof, adaptive and a resilient infrastructure and built environment in the Netherlands.
the challenges
The Netherlands future-proof
The Netherlands is internationally known for its skills in water management, however with increasing pressures and changes in the environment the Netherlands faces threats of extreme flooding, droughts and freshwater shortages. How can we maintain water security and safety? And how do we ensure sufficient water with high quality? For both the environment and the people living in it. Therefore, we work on different aspects within the water system: in terms of quality and quantity. We understand the challenges balancing people, planet and profit and offer guidance and tools to enable deliberate choices.

Our approach
From strategy to execution
We work on all the building blocks necessary to ensure resilient spatial planning and enable a future-proof water system. We do this in cooperative processes together with different stakeholders that share our ambition. We operate on three levels: strategic, tactical and operational.
How do you translate vision to strategy? We support and guide the process of decision-making by setting concrete goals.
How can municipalities enable change or give direction to the challenge at hand? What assessment frameworks are available and needed for sustainable housing development? Which considerations should be taken into account in terms of water management? &flux makes the difference by getting parties to commit to concrete ambitions.
To achieve your goal, you need to know which steps to take. A clear roadmap, for example, offers perspective.
At the tactical level, we identify what is needed in work processes, tender forms, funding mechanisms, and administrative processes. For example, by clarifying big data sets across different domains. We create guidelines towards more resilient, future-proof and adaptive environments..
&flux is involved in the implementation of programmes on the ground to ensure actual impact.
How do you embed climate adaptation guidelines? Which climate measures are appropriate for your project? And what are the costs? We can help you by answering these questions..
ContactOur Impact
Covenant Climate-adaptive Construction
Climate adaptation is inextricably linked to the housing crisis and the realisation of new infrastructure in the Netherlands. Besides the challenge of realising construction of an extremely large number of houses in a short time-frame, these houses must also be able to withstand increasing weather extremes. &flux has united these tasks to enable lasting impact. The Covenant Climate-adaptive Construction is a good example of this.
This Covenant gained traction and got a follow-up in the Province of Utrecht and the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam, under the guidance of &flux. This was achieved in collaboration with more than 100 municipalities, 11 water authorities, 5 provinces, pioneering companies ranging from the construction to the development sector, trade associations, and nature organisations and alliances in these regions. A treaty with clear goals and minimum performance requirements that offers perspective on the future. Unique due to its pioneering ambitions, ahead of national developments. The Covenant and the other regional agreements formed the basis for Landelijke Maatlat Klimaatadaptief bouwen (a national yardstick for climate-adaptive construction) This led to a huge achieved: a new standard for construction.

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