Future-proof Building Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

The Netherlands is set to face a major construction challenge in the coming years. According to research by CBS and NEPROM, one million more homes must be built before 2030. In concrete terms, this means realising as many homes as possible as quickly as possible and preferably also as affordable as possible. At the same time, there is another challenge: the transition to a sustainable society. A society without fossil energy sources, based on a circular economy in a healthy, climate-robust and high-quality living environment. A living environment that will also need to be of high quality in 50, 75 or 100 years’ time. Future-proof building is therefore a must!
In the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area, we are giving substance to these two undertakings by developing a testing framework that will enable the construction and urbanisation undertaking to be realised in the area in a future-proof way (circular, energy-neutral, climate-adaptive, nature-inclusive, using sustainable mobility concepts and, where relevant, a healthy living environment) while maintaining volume, speed and affordability.
In this project, together with the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area we are looking for a broadly supported framework of indicators and criteria for the above-mentioned themes. This will be a framework that all 32 municipalities in the region can use to start managing on a performance level.
Using a broad-based analysis of the methods and instruments that already exist nationally – in this and in other regions – we are working towards a usable and recognisable framework. Based on this inventory, we use in-depth sessions and a market consultation to create an assessment framework with ambition levels that fit into the context of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.
It is ultimately the developers, builders, installers and green entrepreneurs who must put the ambition into practice.
Governments do not build things themselves. That is why we always keep a close eye on developments in the market (industrialisation, automation, digitisation, modular construction), the resulting opportunities and obstacles and the implications of the ambitions for chain collaboration. In this project, the &Flux team is working closely with various departments in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.
Working together with our business relations to make complex matters useful and create an impact on a large scale – that’s what makes us tick!