• Gepubliceerd: 15 October 2020
  • Door: Thea Timmermans
Uitvoeringsplan Klimaatadaptatie Zaanstad 2021-2026

The new climate-adaptive city

All local authorities in the Netherlands have been instructed by the Delta Programme on Spatial Adaptation to make their areas climate-adaptive. Then we can cope with the consequences of climate change, such as heat, drought and extreme rainfall, in good time. The municipality of Zaanstad has also taken up this challenge, and we are helping them!  

We are co-writing the Zaanstad Climate Adaptation Implementation Plan for 2021-2026 and are also supporting the working group for the track ‘The new climate-adaptive city’. This addresses issues such as: Do we think climate adaptation is primarily a public task in which the government must be a guiding factor in determining the solutions/norms/goals, or do we think it is a social task for which we will jointly devise sensible standards together with the chain partners? Or: if we have climate-adaptive guidelines (such as the Basic Safety Requirements of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area), where are we going to use them (area development, tendering/tender, permits)? Do all our projects have to comply with this? How are we going to perform the assessment? 

It is an exciting challenge to set up a concrete programme for the time to come!  

We’d be happy to tell you more about this project


Click on the link to contact Thea directly.

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