Port of Tallinn hydrogen strategy

A few months ago, Port of Tallinn, the main port authority in Estonia, asked us to prepare a hydrogen strategy for the Port. So we did just that!
A few months ago, Port of Tallinn, the main port authority in Estonia, asked us to prepare a hydrogen strategy for the Port. So we did just that!
Estonia, with its brand-new government, is currently looking into how it intends to make use of hydrogen. Several companies and organisations are working on the subject, and the first pilot schemes are already being set up. However, they are yet to set up a large-scale plan with a domestic/international strategy. That is why Port of Tallinn, a key player in the Baltic Sea, has taken the initiative in developing a hydrogen strategy. This is the Port’s response to the call from the National Estonian Energy and Climate Plan: ‘Industrial ports should be the main development centres for clean hydrogen in order to provide it to ships and other vehicles.’
This strategy is getting noticed in the Estonian business community. Major parties such as Alexela (an oil and energy company), Liwathon (logistics and supply chain business), TS Laevad (ferry company) and HHLA TK Estonia (terminal company) are subscribing to the Port’s ambitions and are interested in sharing ideas and participating in the next stage.
You will find the external presentation of this strategy in the slideshow.

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